Tag Archives: prizes

Name the Liger, win a book

If you are here because of the LIGER born in South Carolina in November 2010. Click here to see a photo and read more:

Liger brothers, and a zookeeper


Fake photo. The Liger is pretty much my favorite animal.

What’s my favorite animal? The Liger, of course.

Your Mission: Give this Liger a name, and pick one of the books you’d like to have. (Click the ‘leave a comment’ phrase on the lower right side, after this post, to do such a thing.)

Book list, at a glance:

Sex God -Rob Bell, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire -Jim Cymbal, Quaker Summer -Lisa Samson, Embracing Soul Care -Stephen W. Smith, The Deity Formerly Known As God – Jarred Stevens, God is Closer Than You Think -John Ortberg

Tell me, which book would you like?

A winner, or winners will be picked on whim.

Big Prize Friday- Coffee (UPDATED!)


I have added a 2ND OPTION for you non poets. See below!


A tasty selection of the world's best coffees


 This is prize # 4. 

Ever try Kona /Arabic coffee, or coffee from Kenya, Sumatra, or Guatemala? Now is your chance. This delicious 1.87 lb coffee set can be yours, or be mailed to the coffee lover of your choice

To get this big ticket goodie will require some effort to win. But, listen! It is not hard.

You may write one, or post one and give the author full credit. This handy site even creates them for you, in a snap. How simple, and perfect. You can probably almost smell the coffee now!

What is a cinquain, you ask? Fourth grade was so long ago!

The modern cinquain is based on a word count of words of a certain type, in 5 lines.

This is the formula:

line 1 – one word (noun) a title or name of the subject
line 2 – two words (adjectives) describing the title
line 3 – three words (verbs) describing an action related to the title
line 4 – four words describing a feeling about the title, a complete sentence
line 5 – one word referring back to the title of the poem


List 4 – 7 describing words (also known as adjectives) detailing WHY you like coffee. (Extra points for creativity)

Thursday Feb. 11 at 7pm, (EST) is the deadline. Each person may enter TWICE.

And-hey-Be kind, let your coffee-loving friends know about where they can get some coffee lovin’!

Best wishes.

3rd prize


This prize is for the birds


Prize # 3. 

If you are okay with lo-tech entertainment, this is a nice goodie, just don’t eat it. It’s for the birds. This is fun for the kids, and cats also. The CD includes information on birds.

To win this prize, you list five birds, but if someone has written them down, you can’t repeat those choices. I have shown my daughter a picture book of birds and she has selected 3. Whoever guesses the most correctly to her choices, first, wins.

February is Freebie Month-Chocolate Kickoff

(UPDATE 2/5: Lisa Minnich! Congratulations. Chip guessing is YOUR talent. You were the closest with your guess of 68. The answer is 79. It seems the jar was more round then many of you determined.)


First treat of February. Guess the # of chocolate chips 1st to win.


Hi Everyone,

I love chocolate, so my first giveaway is just that. Twixels is a lot like Twix, this is, if Twix were fortunate enough to be born in New England and go to private school were they wear matching V-neck sweaters with shield patches. (Notice the Triple Chocolate…obviously the preppy type.) The King Size Reese’s speaks for itself. Enjoy the vintage Reese’s commercial below, too. Hey kids, in the 1980’s, teens walked around snacking straight out of peanut butter jars-all the time!

I’m sending out both of these to the FIRST visitor who guesses most closely  to the correct number of chocolate chips in the glass jar. Please, don’t reply on Facebook, just here, in the “leave a comment” section. Happy February! (Note: If you win, this prize may also be sent to a friend.)

Sneak peek at (your) Gifts in Feb

This is the 2nd year I’ll use my birthday month to shower readers with gifts. It was fun last year, and this year, with quadruple the readership here, it should be even better!

And yes, it is a “custom” in the tradition of hobbits. (hobbits -give away gifts on their birthday)

I have a photo below of just a few things that will be up for grabs. I’ll be popping up every few days in February  to offer you goodies, gadgets, books, surprises, and combo packs just for interacting here at this blog. (No strings, no money, I just enjoy mailing packages of gifts.)

Sometimes, word spreads fast when it comes to gifts, still, I thank you for passing this news along where you can.  Watch for more informative posts, especially in February. If you enjoy giving more than receiving, and  feel so moved, give your present away, and “pay it forward.”

Thanks, friends!


Just *some* of the gift items for blog readers in Feb.